Teresa Antignani's profile

"Circus Coup" - Personal Project/Animal Activism

Please note Barnum & Bailey Ringling Bros. Circus closed May 21, 2017.  Unfortunately, Feld Entertainment, their parent company, runs The Center for Elephant Conservation in Polk City, Florida (United States.)  Reports of many elephants being kept confined and chained in cement barns seems to call into question their real motives.  With their abysmal history of treatment towards the animals they used in their circuses, I hope to keep shining a light on this depraved company.

Also, in the news recently was a camel that stampeded several people (six of them children) in a Pennsylvania circus act.  The camel became upset when a kid threw a shovel at him. Circuses do not teach children to respect animals; in fact, as this case shows, it fosters the opposite behavior.

There are still many circuses and roadside zoos throughout the world that are keeping animals captive. These amazing and irreplaceable animals are beaten, abused, and their spirits are broken, to force them to do unnatural tricks and acts.  When they are not "performing" they are kept in small cages and enclosures.  The traveling circuses confine them in box cars and they are subjected to brutal non - stop travel.  What kind of life is this for animals that should be left alone to live in their own habitat?
I encourage everyone to please get involved and lend your creative talents to this issue - Let's end these depraved and archaic tendencies towards animals. - Thank you.
"Circus Coup" - Personal Project/Animal Activism

"Circus Coup" - Personal Project/Animal Activism


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