Charles Keusters's profile

2018 Thesis Renault Project Mémoire

With Project Mémoire I want to explore the possibilities of a shared driverless fleet for 2040. It consists of vehicles for up to six passengers, one of whom assumes the role of the “Master of Ceremonies”, curating a multisensory experience for the other passengers. Choosing a from a variety of lights, colours, sounds, music, odours, and live 3D creations they will be able to create a unique atmosphere. Every interaction or creation leaves a mark, a mémoire, making each vehicle in the fleet unique. This Provides the opportunity for Project Mémoire users to have a different experience every time they use a vehicle of this fleet.

A second focus of the project is a business model concept. The automotive scene is shifting from driven to driverless, from owned to shared. As such, it will become increasingly difficult to secure an income solely by selling vehicles to individuals. So how will car companies be able to make money in 2040? With Project Memoire I propose a business model, to gain revenue from offering free rides for every users. The Master of Ceremonies will be able to earn money by curating an amazing experience, similar to how today’s Youtubers earn money by creating video content. Finally, Renault (and other car companies) will be able to profit from analysing customer data.

Last but not least, I aspired to create a design that is easily and directly accessible to its users. A design which allows for straightforward, direct interaction with the vehicle. For example, stripes of light on both sides of the car visually signify how many of the seats are occupied, to anyone looking for a ride. Furthermore, any good design should always underline the purpose of the object in question. As such, the main lines of my model all converge towards the front seat. This is where the attention should lie, where the Master of Ceremonies curates the experience, while their signature is displayed on a panel at the front of the vehicle. In my example I chose the signature of Hergé, the creator of Tintin and a fantastic storyteller. I believe that a great designer should be precisely that: A fantastic storyteller, who sells the dream of a world so beautiful, that people feel the need to take their eyes off their phones - and experience it. That is the heart of Project Mémoire.
2018 Thesis Renault Project Mémoire


2018 Thesis Renault Project Mémoire

A shared driverless vehicle for up to 6 passengers. Exploring new businessmodels for shared driverless fleets in 2040.
