My personal animation project.

Protocorba is a fantasy world in which ordinary, unimposing characters live. Nothing unusual happens with them in this world. They walk, sit, stand, get bored in the wind, sometimes dance and buy some tea to drink. 

I think that if you have a grain of doubt in the reality of this world, it is vain, because the world is fictional and you only think that it is real.

— Sometimes, yo go into your thoughts and suddenly meet an old friend.
— I dance when the wind blows, it gives me strength to fight. When the wind subsides I fall asleep, and this is my life.

— What could be better than the feeling of a crumpled carpet on the wall? 

— Оnly a crumpled carpet under you.
— We dance as best as we could with my holy sisters.
— Grass gently touches my feet. Stay here and watch what will happen next
— Go in silence and listen to your steps.
Director, concept & animation — Kirill Khachaturov



Creative Fields