The Canadian Rockies
Location: Banff National Park, Jasper National Park
Where to next?
Had a panoramic view of the Icefields Parkway in Alberta. You would actually feel that your wallpaper came to life. 
Lake Louis, Alberta.
Lake Moraine, Alberta.
It was definitely a nice experience. I want to go back. Canon canada I'd be down to go with the expedition anywhere. Please! *puppy dog eyes*
The Year That Was. I was on my 7th grade when my cousins went to the Philippines for vacation. It was dated way back year 2006. It fell short, but after 10 years we reunited again in AB. We drove from Calgary to Jasper! Had some trespassing adventure which I always do just for photos. 
more photos on instagram! Thank you! Photos are taken using EOS Canon 6D.
Canadian Rockies

Canadian Rockies
