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Guimarães 2012 (proposal)

In early 2012 we were asked to make a proposal for the official app for Guimarães Capital of Culture 2012. This app is used to guide the visitor through the city and the events that unfolded there. Through an agenda and a series of interactive maps, visitors can browse the vast content that this great cultural event triggered in the city of Guimarães.
This app also brought an innovative way to mark the main points of interest in the city, using a technique known as "augmented reality", permitted by the latest smartphones, brings up the information on the screen when the various monuments are seen through the phone's camera.
The invitation was made by Around Knowledge, the company responsible for developing this app for iPhone and Android, for  this annual event.
Guimarães 2012 (proposal)

Guimarães 2012 (proposal)

In early 2012 we were asked to make a proposal for the official app for Guimarães Capital of Culture 2012.
