Kate Addicott's profile

Marketing & Product/ UX Copy: Plated

Stepping up to become a leader in a brand new category can be daunting. That's why you need a bold brand to cut through the clutter and make it clear to the target audience that everything about this product is designed with them in mind. 
Just in the first week I was at Plated, I jumped in to help position and polish the copy for a fantastic revamped desktop and mobile product experience. Three weeks later, I walked into the offices of Union Square Ventures to tell our VCs about a plan for a beautiful new brand, fitted with careful customer research and a thoughtful brand personality to guide the voice and visuals for the years to come.
As the story of Plated took shape, it began to rise among those in the know of the burgeoning meal kit industry as the premium at-home dinner of choice for evolved eaters. 

We tested various homepages and began to expand the overall experience for both active customers and visitors or prospects who were curious about the different meal kit options on the market.
It turns out that adding more content, both to the homepage and to supporting pages along the nav, meant a huge boost for clickthroughs and conversions! New categories should be simple to explain, but that doesn't mean people aren't curious to explore everything they have to offer before signing up to an unknown subscription service. Transparency served to be a big selling point for Plated. 
Also, of course, always lead with the biggest emotional benefits...
It wasn't always easy to position our referral program. Was it the dollar value that seemed most appealing, or the tangible value of having free dinners waiting for you at home? Testing showed us that the referrer couldn't turn down giving away $72 worth of dinners to a friend, free of charge, and those who received the referral were excited by the idea of getting a free week of dinners at home. All the info is still important, of course, but the emphasis really had an impact, as you can see in the referrer experience, followed by the receiver. 
Here's a look at the very first email that put our team on the radar over at Really Good Emails! 

Others followed, and you can see them all here: https://reallygoodemails.com/tag/plated/
Marketing & Product/ UX Copy: Plated


Marketing & Product/ UX Copy: Plated
