The following work was created while I was attending Towson University for graphic design.

For the assignment below we had to take a regular house hold item, draw it, scan it into Adobe Illustrator, draw it in Adobe Illustrator than create different versions of the item. I chose a cork screw, from left to right, iconic, original, symmetrical, organic, expressive.
Below is my assignment to create a book using multiple layouts with the same information resembling a specific person and there style which, in this case is David Carson. 
Below is two example Jazz Posters we had to create by first painting a blind contour of a trumpet and than pulling it into Adobe Suite and creating an eye catching black and white poster.
Below is an example of a magazine page spread, we were to chose our favorite vacation write about it. I created the bird in Adobe Illustrator and took the photo on my vacation.
Below is the CD cover I made in Adobe Illustrator for the country artist Luke Bryan. 
Below are examples from my Typography class; play on words, layout, image made completely of letters. 
Below are examples of patters created in Adobe Illustrator.
Below is the logo I made for a product assignment, we had to pick words from a hat and create a logo for them. 
For the below assignment we were to pick a cause to support and create buttons in support, I chose Kidney Cancer in honor of my dad.
Towson University

Towson University
