<The Timid Savage>

Hope, like the gleaming taper's light, Adorns and cheers our way. 
And still, as darker grows the night, Emits a brighter ray.
A2 Art Print <The Timid Savage>
420mm x 594mm

Lass Berr Lachen www.lbrrl.com
Lass Berr Lachen(lbrrl®) is a design studio that is based on the graphics, illustrations and products. The Bear “Berr” was created in Berlin, Germany where I had lived before. “Lass Berr Lachen” in German means “Let Berr Laugh” in English. Even though it was difficult and tough for me to settle in a new city with totally different cultural backgrounds I still could find something around me that made me laugh. 
So I was able to keep my energy and focus on ideas of what I wanted to do with my life in there. 
What makes you laugh today? 
Less Thinking More Laughing. 
Shall we laugh aloud with Berr?
The Timid Savage


The Timid Savage
