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Benefits of Cedar Fence

Building a Wooden Fence Yourself: Instructions and Tips

For families with children and animals a must: the cedar fence. You can build it yourself with appropriate instructions and some tips - so you save the money for the professional. Whether as a privacy screen or delimitation of the property: A garden fence is not only practical, but also an eye-catcher.

What you have to consider

If you have chosen a wooden fence, you should be aware that it requires regular care. Fences made of aluminum or PVC is much less demanding and relatively cheap, but visually often no feast for the eyes. When buying the wooden fence, be sure to choose weatherproof material, such as larch, Douglas fir. The Ferrari under the garden timbers is teak, which shows not only visually, but also in the cost. Between 70 and 700 dollars per meter you have to expect here.

If it is a boundary between two plots of land, the immediate neighbor must be asked before you build the new wooden fence yourself. Also, do not forget to talk to your neighbors. If you want to build a wooden fence yourself, the neighbors must agree with the look. In addition, neighborhood law often provides for provisions that affect the height and appearance of the boundary.

Preparations for the perfect garden fence

You have clarified everything and want to build a wooden fence yourself? Good decision! In the hardware store you will find many appealing variants. If you live in a region with a cool and often humid climate, you should always pay attention to the correct protection for the posts. So that in the end not everything is crooked and crooked: check already at the posts, whether they are just stuck in the ground.

We offer a free deer installation on the type of deer gate that works best within your needs and budget.

There are several variants: Either you decide for post shoes that are attached to the bottom of the wood with screws and anchored so firmly in the ground, or you concretize the fence. To do this, dig holes at the appropriate places and fill in the already slightly dried cement. Finally check with a spirit level if the post is aligned vertically. In addition, it is advisable to delete the fence before mounting.
Benefits of Cedar Fence

Benefits of Cedar Fence
