Fence Made Of Cedar Wood- How Beautiful And Useful Is This

At the moment, cedar fence made of cedar wood are very popular. What seduces people in this kind of fences? Let's figure it out!!

Fences made of wood are economical in costs, easy to assemble, beautiful in structure and durable in use, of course with the correct approach to installation and subsequent care.

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The service life of fences made of wood is 20 - 30 years, or even all 50 with proper care of the wood and preventive work. A significant factor in the longevity of the enclosing structure made of wood is played by the thickness of the boards of the ceilings made of wood, but let’s takes care of everything in order.

Nuances that are worth knowing in the construction of fences made of wood.

•    Methods of mounting and marking the pillars for fencing from the tree look in the section construction of fences or fence from the profiled floor.

•    When enclosing a plot in no matter what the fence is made of, do not forget to check the diagonals, so you will more symmetrically outline your territory.

•    The tree fits perfectly to the tree - this implies that you are making racks of metal or brick, do not cling wooden spans to it. It will be more profitable to attach a professional decking or slate. The difference in the
materials has not yet benefited anyone.

•    Fixing and painting the fence do not forget that after standing in the summer and after drying, the tree can relax the fasteners that you have adapted! So in the autumn do not forget to check the fence on the fortress of the nailed boards.

•    Also do not forget to open the fastening elements of the fence with varnish or paint, both between the joints and the top of the installation.

But if you are still going to fasten the beam to the metal corner, which will keep the fence rails, then do not forget to paint the corner yourself, in advance. This will not only protect the metal structure from the effects of the external environment, but the tree will not adhere to the metal.

Having established a fence of cedar wood, you are focusing on painting and varnishing the opening of boards and poles, as well as horizontal battens between the pillars. It is also necessary to know that the board, timber, logs, this entire three must be covered with an antiseptic that will protect your wood from parasites in addition. The tree is opened with antiseptic or not, you can understand by the color of the tree, it should not have a characteristic color peculiar to one or another type of wood, but on the contrary, be slightly red or even green, since the antiseptic.
Deer Installation

Deer Installation
