I was asked my Memphis Blues BBQ to update their logo and create brand guidelines for them to adhere to going forward. Since this restaurant business is a franchise, I was also asked to create an updated menu that was flexible enough to swap in menu variations for their different locations. Also, the design had to work in a trifold format for their take-out menu, as well as in a flat, laminated page for repeated use in the restaurant.
The goal of the logo redesign was to make the new logo more modern and flexible, while keeping a bit of continuity between new and old. This was accomplished through custom lettering in a Southern, hand-drawn style plus fresh tweaks to the blues and oranges. Keeping the circle motif, music score and "treble clef B" tied in all the client's favourite parts of their old logo, imparting the blues-y vibe they wanted to get across. Adding a wordmark option in two orientations ensures that they will be able to have an impactful, legible logo on everything from signage to ballpoint pens.

The old menu and original logo.
Memphis Blues BBQ

Memphis Blues BBQ
