Anxo López's profile

Huevos de corral XL. Extra-grandes.

"By the way they cackle, they are probably screaming for an epidural". 
Farm fresh eggs XL. Extra-large eggs.
"Sometimes we stop the production because it takes some days for the hens to be able to sit down again"
Farm fresh eggs XL. Extra-large eggs.
"Do you have balls or not?" (in spanish, eggs is also a reference for testicles, "¿hay huevos?" means "are you brave enough?")
"If chickens were born from these eggs, they would eat us all."
Farm fresh eggs XL. Extra-large eggs.
"Eggs with more eggs in each egg" (in spanish, egg is an uncountable noun)
"Hey, kid, go out and buy more bread."
Farm fresh eggs XL. Extra-large eggs.
"Make an omelette for King Kong"
Farm fresh eggs XL. Extra-large eggs.
"Look. She laid one."
Huevos de corral XL. Extra-grandes.

Huevos de corral XL. Extra-grandes.
