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Handpicked subscription boxes page revamp handpicked subscription boxes
The handpicked subscription boxes page had a good potential to cater the customer needs, however the previous design had all the information but missed had few issues like customers did not know where to click and had very few conversions. 

The scroll depth, dwell time and previous CTR data was taken into consideration to redesign the look and feel of the page.
Highlights of the new design

Each color theme was picked to match the mood of the product, like red invites more hunger etc.

Actual product shots were deliberately avoided to keep the customers focussed on the content and not look for their favorite product

A dark skinned baby was deliberately picked to bring a change from the heavily preferred fair skinned models for advertising in India
Notable observations were,

The customers clicked the banners more even without the presence of known brands or products. (lifestyle images are cool yaaay).

The idea of keeping a CTA has helped the customers identify the banners were clickable. 

The page was made text heavy as the customers were observed to spend major time on reading the content initially (average of 30 secs per banner). However, post the redesign, the dwell time was reduced, indicating that the customer was able to understand the banners without having to go through so much text.
Handpicked subscription boxes page revamp

Handpicked subscription boxes page revamp
