The majority of the work produced during my Scenic Art project was to gain skills and techniques in order to produce effective pieces which are incorporated into my other projects. 
Different wood grains, in different colours in a herringbone design. 
A panel, with highlights and shadows to give a 3 Dimensional effect. 
Marbelling effect, created with a variety of techniques and tools, including feathers and sponges etc. 
3 Dimensional brick effect, created by applying artex to a brick design grid made from masking tape. This is removed before dried, and then painted in numerous brick colours. 
This is one of the final pieces that was created as part of the Scenic Art project. In groups of 5 we produced a large scale painting on canvas of Paul Nash's 'We Are Making A New World'. Aspects such as 'gridding up' and colour mixing were refined during this project. 
Portraiture and fine art skills were also tested and practiced during this project with another final piece with this version of the painting 'Lady Agnew' by John Singer Sargent. 
Scenic Art

Scenic Art

This project was an outlet to develop skills and techniques which will be effective throughout many projects, and helped to practice and to refin Read More
