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A Hermit's Way of Looking at Life

The Hermit’s Way of Looking at Life
Michael Vincent Manalo

The photo-manipulations works here show the artist’s recent experience of how it is when breaking off from the world, trying to counter the system and living almost off-the-grid and looking at life in a different perspective. The artist chose to live in his hometown in the Philippines, stayed in their family’s house for 2 1/2 weeks without talking with anyone in person, with only the internet as his window, while doing his everyday life of just cooking, working on commissioned works, swimming, watching films, making guitar music and creating reflections on the life he experienced particulary related to the memories he had with members of his family.

During the artist’s reclusive and almost hermitic time, the artist argues that if you go away from all distractions and immerse yourself in a place where you are alone, from all the ups and downs of the modern world’s fast-paced society, you will see and remember things much clearly.

此張數位繪圖作品表現出藝術家最近的經歷,即脫離世界,試圖對抗社會,遠離塵囂,並以不同的視角看待生活。 藝術家返回菲律賓家鄉,在家裡住了約莫兩週,沒有與任何人交談,只利用網路來作為他與世界的橋樑。而他的日常生活就是做做飯、接接案子、游泳、看看電影、製作吉他音樂,以及對他和家人的回憶與自己所經歷的生活進行反思。

在藝術家離群索居的日子裡,藝術家認為,如果遠離所有分心的事物,將自己沉浸在一個孤獨的地方,無論現在世界步伐有多麼快速, 將都會記得清清楚楚的。

A Hermit's Way of Looking at Life


A Hermit's Way of Looking at Life

The photo-manipulations works here show the artist’s recent experience of how it is when breaking off from the world, trying to counter the syste Read More
