NurtureCo UX Case Study

As we all know its very hard to take care of dearest ones in busy life. Think about if they required real care? Nurture co solves this problem by providing care givers for the needs.

Now the real problem starts. how to manage these people and connecting the care givers and care seekers.

Following the IDEO model for the human-centered design, I started the process with usability testing and ended with validation. This process provided me with a roadmap and a solid foundation to base my design solutions on users findings.

First I created a provisional persona for a typical user for NurtureCo based on online research and the base of users. I validated more user with user interviews and through subject matter experts and industry people.
Then I created a storyboard, where our protagonist (Anna) is facing a problem in getting caregivver, she can’t find the right caregivver for her father, but nurtureco helped her overcome this problem. Imagining the scenario helped me empathize with the users, and I could better address the frustrations they would face.
Job stories
Focusing on motivations, situations, and outcomes, I created job stories to back up my hypothesis.
Gorilla Testing
Imagine you just moved to a new place, and you are looking for a care giver, your friend just told you about “NurtureCo” an app that can help you get ideas and choose NurtureCo. How can you use NurtureCo to find the care giver that you want?
For the next phase, I went out to the streets and conducted 5 gorilla usability tests using a scenario inspired by my storyboard. I tested on users. I was able to meet users that validated some of my persona hypotheses and I could spot some pain points that emerged through using the app.

Define the problem

Pain point 1:  Users were not able to find the care givers depending on the skills and from the care givers side they don't want to do some things. It took users a while and multiple tries before finding the right care giver.

Pain point 2: It was hard for caregivers to manage if the person is not able to attend for a day or 2. Hard to find the supplements.

Pain point 2: It was hard to instruct the care giver about medication and meal.

We solved most of these problems by creating a care stream. Care stream will help seekers to clearly mention the requirements and give special instructions.

Nurture co

Nurture co
