Martta Saviato
Tattoo artist portfolio
Degree project

My dissertation project is the tattoo as a form of awarness. I am drawing tattoos flash of some species of animals that are becoming extinct due to human activity.
I would propose the same to my customers, and those interested, can choose a tattoo to bring the animal back to life once again symbolically on their skin.
Part of tattoo proceeds would be given to charity for the protection of endangered species and biodiversity. In particular I thought of WWF and the possibility of adopting species of animals at risk.
Each sketch represents an animal that has its own feature and its own history. In this way it is easier for the customer to choose the animal that belongs to him.

The Kauaʻi ʻōʻō / Moho Braccatus
History of their extinction: These birds was common until the early XX  century, when it's decline began. In 1981 just a couple was left. The last female disappeared after Iwa the hurricane destroyed few areas around the islands. They were known as singing bird, both the males and females. The male was recorded singing a mating call to the female that would never come. After he died in 1981. Is still possible ear the recording on web.
Characteristics: These birds were considered faithful as the male chose the female for life lasting relation. For this reason this subjects are appropriate for a matching tattoo. 
Art project submit to the graduation

Schomburgk's deer 
​​​​​​​Hystory of their extinction: Deers inhabited swampy plains with long grass, cane and shrubs in central Thailand, avoiding dense vegetation.
Commercial production of rice in the late 19th century in Thailand led to loss of nearly all grassland and swamp areas on which this deer dependend. M
oreover, intensi
ve hunting pressure at the turn of the century restricted the species further until it became extinct.
Characteristics: They were creatures always endowed with great charm. The male deer was very fond of his freedom, while the female specimen had a strongly "romantic" nature. They preferred peace and tranquility and avoided any kind of conflict so their weak point was fear: The difficult or dangerous situations frightened them, so they gave up any attempt to fight.

Sea Mink / Neovision Macrodon
Hystory of their extinction: Neovision Macrodon was hunted until his extinction because of his prestigious fur. The remains of these animals have been found under the pits of shells left by native Americans on the banks of Maine. However, European fur trade led to the effective extinction of this species.
Characteristics: It was a nocturnal and solitary animal. They were excellent swimmers. From February to March, the males moved from their shelters to look for a companion. Both males and females mated with different individuals throughout the season.

Alcelaphus Buselaphus
Hystory of their extinction: the alcelaphus Buselaphus was diffused in the past throughout Africa and Northern Sahara. Entire herds were massacred by French settlers during the Algery's occupation. Only fifteen specimens were left alive, which were hunted down and killed without pity.
Characteristics: They were socials animals, in fact their herd counted around 300 members. It was really wary and all the time on alert for itself.
The females were really combatants, they wanted to dominate the herd.
Same for the males, it defended the territory and if it was provocated could attack even herd members.

Martinique Amazon
Hystory of their extinction: it became extinct due to habitat loss as martinique was cleared for agriculture. It has not been recorded since 1722.
Characteristics: it was considered a really smart animal, curious, lively and playful. They were emotionally complex and they had a good memory, it means that their behavior was influenced by they experiences.
Degree Project

Degree Project

Charity and adoption of endangered animals through the tattoo
