It is always fun to make something new & unusual. In this case client wanted to include two hands in two separate sections with coconut sugar properties between them. In first section one hand is holding white sugar , other hand is holding coconut sugar and in second section hand with white sugar is animated to disappear and appear with coconut sugar. Idea is to throw away white sugar after reading all health benefits of coconut sugar.
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NU3BIO - Web Site

NU3BIO is organic sugar made of from coconuts that is great alternative to the widely used white sugar. It's well balanced and has a number of minerals, vitamins, calcium, iron & phyto nutrients including zinc and potassium. It is a good source of Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12 and it's rich in iron that helps to treat anemia. 

NU3BIO - Website

NU3BIO - Website
