This can design was a class project for graphic illustrations. I was in my second semester and when this project was given to the class. I was only sure about one thing, I wanted to design a Dr. Pepper Can. After a bit of sketching around with the elements used in the overall design, I settled on creating a pepper flavored drink. Not just any pepper but the hottest one I could think of, the habanero. I used Photoshop to paint the pepper body. Then I created the hands, feet, and mouth in adobe illustrator. Once I had the character designed I focused on the can design. I asked my son to help me by printing out some blank cans and having him just color whatever he wanted on them. I used one of his coloring's as inspiration for the background, I also wanted to give the feel of heat coming from the bottom of the can. I used Photoshop to puppet warp tool to fit the flames around the logo and the top and bottom of the can. Finally, I positioned the pepper man and built the fireball flame behind him, completing the look of him being shot out of you know where. This was one of my favorite designs of all time. It has received awards in a student art show as well as at the 2018 Addy's held in Lake Charles LA,  
Man that's Hot

Man that's Hot
