4 Common Mistakes that Deter Your Business Success

This blog was originally published on Prosperity of Life's website here.


In this video, entrepreneur Rachel Krider talks about her mistakes that she’s made in her home-based business. These mistakes are all common, and can easily avoided by following Rachel’s personal tips below.

Looking for an online business that you can do from anywhere? You should know the four most common mistakes that people make in their attempt to create success working online. I’m Rachel Krider, and as a seven-figure annual earner within the online business space, I’ve identified the four most common mistakes that people make in their attempt to create success working for themselves. I’m most familiar with these mistakes because I’ve made them myself!

Mistake 1

Number one on my list is to make sure that you choose a product that you can really get behind. When I first started in business I just jumped right in. I didn’t think about it too much and the product wasn’t quite aligned with who I was. The second time around in business, like what I’m doing right now, it was a real good fit for me because personal development was a journey that I was on already. I was reading the books and going to the conferences, so I had a real passion for the product even before I got started in the business. Using the product yourself, without the income opportunities, is a key component when you’re considering getting started in any kind of enterprise.

Mistake 2

Second on the list is make sure the system that is going to create your success within the business matches your personality. If home parties and things of that nature are right up your alley, that’s awesome for you; go out there and create that success. But if that’s not you, then look for something that’s going to be in alignment with who you are and who you want to be.

Mistake 3

Number three on my list is to make sure that the math actually makes sense. Now this was something that I simply did not do my first time round in business. My goal initially to achieve success in business was to make $10,000 a month. I make just shy of $2,000 on the low-end with every time a new customer that gets started. So to achieve my goal of $10,000 a month, I’m looking at servicing just over 5 customers.

Mistake 4

Give yourself enough time. I see people get into business and give themselves a couple of months to try to figure it all out, get frustrated, lose hope, and then off they go onto the next thing or back to the job. Don’t let that be you. When I started this business, in my first four months it felt like I was doing a lot of work for little reward. In fact, in four months I made all of $2,000. But then by fifth month, my income jumped up to $25,000.

If you’re still looking for a business and you haven’t yet found your thing, go ahead and request some free information. I’m going to give you a call and walk you through some information. If you’re already on your journey and you’re super happy then just follow my videos. Who knows, you might be able to pick up some other tips and tidbits along the way to create your success as an entrepreneur! I wish you all the very best.
4 Common Mistakes that Deter Your Business Success

4 Common Mistakes that Deter Your Business Success

Looking for an online business that you can do from anywhere? You should know the four most common mistakes that people make in their attempt to Read More


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