Hi i designed and printed in 6 pieces exclusive offer for Rotary and Warsaw City of Poland. 100 pages of best quality 200 g silk paper nad hardcover, hand sewn with gold material and covered with special flurry Tube paper. we had only 40 seconds to glue the cover - or else a copy had to be trashed. I know... :). One pieces had to be glued and covered by 6 persons at one time. All of work with more than 600 pages of technical spec, was packed with special hard packaging with the same Tube paper covering. Closed with gold trim and engraved pendrive with electronic copy, The Offer wighted ofer 6 kg. It was very hard, but rewarding work. I hope you will enjoy it. Cheers ;). 
Rotary Offer

Rotary Offer

Business offer, catalogue design and print, exclusive cover
