Victoria Studio's profile

Bussiness cards Physical Therapist

The business cards of this physiotherapist are inspired by the different techniques she practices: chiromassage, foot reflexology and lymphatic drainage. All of them are based on applying manual pressure of different intensity on the body and that is what we did with their cards through the stamping press.
The simple and typographical design provides the aseptic and professional vibe she was looking for.

Para diseñar las tarjetas de visita de esta fisioterapeuta nos inspiramos en las diversas técnicas que practica: quiromasaje, reflexología podal y drenaje linfático. Todas ellas se basan en aplicar presión manual de diversa intensidad sobre el cuerpo y eso es lo que hicimos con sus tarjetas mediante el golpe en seco. El diseño, sencillo y tipográfico transmite profesionalidad.

Bussiness cards Physical Therapist

Bussiness cards Physical Therapist

The business cards of this physiotherapist are inspired by the different techniques she practices: chiromassage, foot reflexology and lymphatic d Read More
