🌸🍃 *فتوى الإمام المهديّ عن حمل الصِّدّيقة مريم عليها السلام ..*
En : http://www.awaited-mahdi.com/showthread.php?p=157163
Ar : http://www.awaited-mahdi.com/showthread.php?p=4945
*Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni*
17 - 07 - 1431 AH
29 - 06 - 2010 AD
01:02 am
..Fatwa of the Imam Mahdi about the pregnancy of Mary (Maryam) the woman of truth peace be upon her
In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, and peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to the Lord of the worlds. 
O servant of Allah Nasser Almahdi, are you truly from the best foremost supportive helpers? Then follow the Truth which nod doubt nor suspicion as the Imam Mahdi the true from your Lord, but for the saying of the scholars and their interpretation for the Quran it carries falsehood and a little of the truth but they say off Allah what they do not know, and we quote from your statement what follows in red
The most correct opinion of the interpreters that pregnancy by Jesus was a normal pregnancy nine months and that there is no doubt that Allah Almighty was able and still the Almighty that Mary carries Jesus and give birth to him in one moment, but Allah wanted to test her patience extent and their unsustainable on this great affliction, which it is can not be estimated except the daughter of Imran Mary the Virgin, it is the top affliction.

End of Quote 
O servant of Allah Nasser Almahdi, why do you follow those who they say off Allah what they do not know and you abandon the truth? Don't you fear Allah the Lord of the worlds, is there after the truth except the clear falsehood? O man, preceded our deceleration about Maryam's pregnancy and we explained it in details that she peace be upon her got pregnant and gave birth in one day; in fact her stomach inflated by the fetus in the instance of the good news, then she felt that she will give birth, and then she drew aside from her family to an eastern place which had got pregnant in it to the far place so her family and her people do not see the pregnancy because her belly became inflated and for that she drew with him to a far place off her people, then came to her the throes of childbirth, so she supported her back to the palm-tree truck, so she gave birth to servant of Allah and His messenger Jesus the Christ the son of Mary (Esa the son of Maryam) forgiveness of Allah upon him and his mother and I salute them the best salutation, In the same moment she thought what to say to her people, if she said the she got pregnant by the power-capability of Allah with be and it is then they will say to her do you be-fool our minds O Maryam? But you brought something strange then she despaired from her innocence and for that she said: {She said: Oh, would that I had died before this, and had been a thing quite forgotten!} [Maryam] 19:23. Because people the will never believe her, then suddenly the infant is calling her from beneath her to comfort her and proves her innocence by the will of Allah, and Allah the Most High said: {So a voice came to her from beneath her: Grieve not, surely your Lord has provided a stream beneath you.(24) And shake towards you the trunk of the palm-tree, it will drop on you fresh ripe dates.(25) So eat and drink and cool the eye. Then if you see any mortal, say: Surely I have vowed a fast to the All Merciful, so I will not speak to any human being today.(26)}Truthful Allah the Great [Maryam] 19:24
The true statement for the infant's saying: {Then if you see any mortal, say: Surely I have vowed a fast to the All Merciful, so I will not speak to any human being today.}Truthful Allah the Great, meaning that she should not talk to people to tell them about the infant's story who she carries him because they will not believe her, but she should be silent and points at him that they should talk to him, then she knew that her infant will prove her innocence at her people undoubtedly and that because he spoke to her from beneath her and comforted her, and Allah the Most High said: {Then she came to her people with him, carrying him. They said: O Mary, you have indeed brought a strange thing!(27) O sister of Aaron, your father was not a wicked man, nor was your mother an unchaste woman!(28) But she pointed to him. They said: How should we speak to one who is a child in the cradle?(29) He said: I am indeed a servant of Allah. He has given me the Book and made me a prophet,(30) And He has made me blessed wherever I may be, and He has enjoined on me prayer and poor-rate so long as I live,(31) And to be kind to my mother; and He has not made me insolent, disobedient rebel.(32) And peace on me the day I was born, and the day I die, and the day I am raised to life.(33)}Truthful Allah the Great [Maryam] 19:27-33
O servant of Allah Nasser Almahdi, why do you follow the sayings of the interpreters who they say of Allah what they do not know and they think it is easy and it is from the doing of the outcast satan that you say of Allah what you do not know; Didn't you get convinced by the statements of Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni? Then why do you make your (chosen) name (servant of Allah Nasser Almahdi), so do you by any chance there is a Mahdi other than us?! Then why under your name the title (from the best foremost supportive helpers)? Or you copied to our site this statement and you do not know the content of it from words? Why do you that my beloved for the sake of Allah; Doesn't the statement of Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni make free of want off the statement of who are mixing truth and false? But the statement of the Awaited Mahdi had purified from falsehood a purification you would never find in it a word of Allah in what I do not know and not by conjuncture which does not avail a thing against the Truth.
O my honorable brother it is upon to use your mind, so is it possible that the pregnancy of Maryam to be hidden off her family in the span of nine months and they did not see her belly inflated by the fetus! And you will find the mind declare to you and say it is not possible that her pregnancy to continue nine months without her family and her people to know about it and who ever saw the belly being inflated of Maryam forgiveness and peace be upon her and upon her infant which she got pregnant with him by a word from Allah be so it was; but she felt in the same moment that she will give birth, therefor she drew with him to a far place farther than the eastern place which she was in it, then she give birth to him. So why do you follow who they say of Allah what they do not know my honorable brother and you are from the best foremost supportive helpers? 
Excuse me upon my this statement we already deleted previously a statement for you similar to it from the statements of who they say of Allah what they do not know, but today you returned to us with other statement which forced us to write this reply for you upon witnessing of the supportive helpers so they know altogether that they should not copy what we did not say to the worlds, that is because the mistakes of the supporters surly will make the Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni to carry it and they say that we who taught you that and no guilt for me for I did not say that the Christ Jesus the son of Mary -forgiveness and peace upon him and his family- his mother got pregnant of him a natural pregnancy for nine months; but previously our decision before this that she got pregnant of him by be then it would be, so why do you follow who they say of Allah what they do not know so turn to Allah in repentance O you supportive helpers and what is after the Truth but the clear falsehood, and praise your Lord that He made you of the best foremost supportive helpers in the time of dialogue before the appearing; that is the grace of Allah upon you was great and may Allah make you firm upon the straight path.
And peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds. 
Your brother Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni 
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