Here is some render I've been able to do with free scan data you can download those for free 
Maxon Library 

When rendering skin, you should use a value like (Red) 0.37 (green) 0.00 (blue) 0.00 or (Red) 0.37 (green) 0.14 (blue) 0.07 indicating that red should scatter deepest and green and blue less. This would replace the three-layer workflow (deep, mid and shallow layers) higher values will smooth the appearance of the subsurface scattering, while lower values will result in a more opaque look. Layer 1 needs 0.37 radius which is the average epidermis skin thickness, you will need to adjust the radius multiplier depending on the size of your model, if you make a 1x1 cm/ scene unit cube your average human face (chin to top of head) is 24cm high, make sure your figure matches that height.
Skin Study