BD1 - Bradford 1 as in the postcode area.

I did this project in my final year at University and had so much fun with it. The aim behind it was to promote Bradford Town Centre and target the younger audience rather than the older generation.

So i though the key to the design would be to be BANG!!!!!!! In your face design something that needed to stand out and be a little bit abstract in a way using bright and contrasting colours.

The first thing i did was go out into the town centre to take some photos. When i was happy with the shots i took i then went back up to Uni and transferred the images into Screen Printing. I thought this would be one of the best ways to be most abstract and to get potent images.

When i had enough images from Screen Printing i then took them and scanned these in and added text on afterwards. As you will see i had a few straplines and but majority are "Were second best we try harder" The idea behind this was Bradford had just lost out to Liverpool in The Capital of Culture award. I have added a few of the other straplines at the bottom so you can see what else i went with.

I was very pleased with the outcome and got good feedback on my work and overall had some real fun doing every part of the process from start to finish.


Promoting Bradford Town Centre. BD1 - Postcode for Town Centre.
