Evan Fernandez, 2012

Petakumpet, a traditional hide-and-seek games from Indonesia, played by two or more kids, which one among them role as the seeker and the other hide over the ground around. Before the game begins, the players singing "hom-pim-pa alaium gambreng" to vote the one be the seeker. After that, the seeker will close their eyes and counting from zero to fifty or a hundred while the others seeking place to hide. The one which revealed first before the other did by the seeker, will bear the next turn as the seeker.

This game mostly played by kids and it is one of the most famous among traditional games still existed until nowdays.
The Artwork

To visualize the game, I drawn kids playing around a playground of a big tree and bushes around it, which they got many things happen there during their trial for hiding. in the beginning I draw rough sketches.
 the early sketch I drawn 

After finding the proper sketch, the nest is transfering to digital media, tracing and coloring it.
final artwork of Petakumpet

And for the further process, I will have it printed in T-Shirt, which soon released


Artwork representing petakumpet, a traditional hide-and-seek games from Indonesia, played by two or more kids, which one among them role as the s Read More
