David Vs Goliath
Project 3
Foundation Design I: Form & Space


I was tasked with the creation of a Visual Narrative for Foundation Design I: Form & Space. I was to use a 3-panel structure and the elements of design to tell a story of your choosing. We were free to use any medium we wanted to bring this story to life.


Molding (wood)
Clear plastic
Presentation board
Acrylic paint
Carpenters glue
Paint Pen
X-acto knife

Creative Process

This project I challenged myself to really go the extra mile, the story I wanted to tell with my project was the duality of the human animal. To show this story I decided to create a 3-frame faux stain glass window. The elements of design I wanted to highlight where particularly color and movement, well still using other elements throughout. This stain glass window is composed of 2 small frames to show the two different sides of a person, and one larger frame that is located tween them that represents the person.

Work Flow

Step 1

My first step in the process was designing the layout of each different window, to do this I made paper stencil. I created paper versions of the stain glass windows, and used this to experiment with the different ideas I had for the stain glass. Before long I had created the paper stencils.
The three paper stencils.
Step 2

With the designs worked out I moved onto to construction of the project, starting with the wood work. Wood work was not my strong suit, but lucky for me I was able to get the assistance of my father help me through creating the frames out of half inch molding. The design for these frames was kept simple as I did not have the skill with wood to create more complex wood work. To make these frames I cut a long piece of half inch molding to size for the frames. Each piece its ends cut a 45-degree angles to allow them to be connected into the rectangular shape of the frames. With all the pieces cut I used carpenters glue to connect them into the three actualized frames. With all three frames completed I glued them to one another to make it one solid piece.
The completed frames glued together.
Step 3

After the wood component was completed I moved onto prepping the material for painting. To make the Faux class I used the place from the front cover of a poster frame, and cut it down the size of the poster board I would be mounting the project on.  With this plastic cut I moved onto getting my stencils ready, I first positioned down my stencils on my presentation board to line up with where I wanted the final stain glass to sit. I then taped these stencils down before placing the plastic down over top.
The stencils for the stain glass arranged on the presentation board.
With this set up I used a fine grit sand paper and went over the areas of the plastic I needed to paint to allow the acrylic paint to grip to the material.  

Step 4

After the preparing the glass for paint and setting up the stencils, I moved on to paint. Using the stencils under the clear plastic I painted the designs for the stain glass directly onto the plastic. I made sure to use only one coat of paint to allow for light to shine through to give the stain glass effect.
Part way through the application of acrylic paint to the sanded plastic.
Applying acrylic red paint to the plastic.
For the finishing touch on the glass I used a black acrylic paint pen, this allowed me to make all the lines very crisp and really push the painting a step beyond the norm.

Step 5

With the painting complete, my next action was to attach the wood to the plastic directly, once more I used the carpenters glue, not the best glue to use, but with a bit of texture still left over from the sanding of the glass it worked out just fine.

Step 6

I then moved on to the final cutting down of the materials. Firstly, I trimmed down the plastic down to just the size of the frames, to make sure all the focus and shine was within the frame and not on the board.  I then cut out panels behind the windows in the presentation board, this allows the light to flow through the faux stain glass window and give the window a wow factor.

Step 7

The final step was attaching my stain glass window to the presentation board, to do this once more I used my carpenters glue, and affected the piece to the board. With this my project was complete.

Final Project

Through out this would process I had a lot of fun with this project, I got to use a lot of different materials and techniques that I have always wanted to use. I feel the project was very successful at telling my story and cause me to finally push outside of my comfort zone and go for the gold. It was not without its troubles though; the wood working gave a me a real trouble and it took more work then it should have to get simple frames down. If I had more time to do the project I would have be able to figure out more complex wood work and enhance my project just that little bit more.  All in all, I think this project has given me a taste of new ways to do my art and helped improve my skills that will help me with my future art.
David Vs Goliath