Alonso Alvarado's profile

Productive Urban Landscapes - Mexico City

Productive Urban Landscapes - Mexico City
Ecological Infrastructure that is both utilitarian and a public amenity.
Constructed Wetlands + Wetland Agriculture (Chinampa System)

Comprised of 3 distinct constructed wetland zones that treat and improves water quality. Treated water is then used to water the raised beds that comprise the Chinampa agricultural corridor. 

Wetland agriculture Meets Urban Markets
Why Iztapalapa, Mexico City?

Located in the borough of Iztapalapa, one of the city’s poorest, this project strives to meet nutritional demands of residents and provide alternative sources of income while transforming a former derelict series of parcels into a productive urban park.

Site Planning of Market Halls

Market Hall Concept Studies 

Inspiration comes from Mexican street markets, which are comprised of tarp covers that when seen from above, create a beautiful tapestry of colors. 

The Market Hall

 A place for residents to gather and sell goods grown within the productive food corridor. Mexican public markets, also known as Tianguis, are a central theme of Mexican public life.
NW Wing of Market Hall

Rainwater Harvesting 

Water collected through cascading roofs is reintroduced into constructed wetlands and filtered back into chinampa agricultrual system.
Market Hall Sectional Model

Productive Urban Landscapes - Mexico City

Productive Urban Landscapes - Mexico City

Proposal for a productive landscape zone in Mexico City comprised of constructed wetlands for treating urban wastewater for use along an urban fa Read More
