Miguel Jesus's profile

Emoticons for Doist apps

When shared projects with comments were introduced in Todoist, using emojis was not a viable option (yup! There was a time when the use emojis wasn't so widespread, with several technical limitations across platforms).
The team then decided to use and expand the set from Wedoist. This meant that all the icons had to be redesigned from scratch, so they could work on the web and mobile devices (with the all the different scales and @'s required).
What looked like a simple project, was actually a really interesting adventure into grids, design style and all the geek references I could get into the project. Some of my picks include the "doh!" expression from a beloved yellow character from a famous tv show and the shape of the star is inspired by the ones from a video game where a brave plumber is trying to save the princess. Of course, it was a real team effort to come up with the ideas for the new icons that included the "Rock on" as asked by the Android developers :3
Emoticons for Doist apps

Emoticons for Doist apps

Why so serious? Add an emoticon! :D
