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Physical Computing : Chidiyan Udd

By creatinga circuit computed by hacking a computer keyboard board we created the age-old,almost forgotten, homely Indian game of ‘Chidiyan Udd’, in a mat-based,interactive installation form.

This gameis played by following an audio-visual projection with time-based chances. Thisis targeted for kids. The kid standing on the mat is shown images of things andbeings which could either fly or not. If and when an image is shown which is fly-able,the kid is to jump on the mat which is the next level simulation of thefinger-lifting interaction in the original game.

It was a challenging and fun task of imagining how a mechanism of a key press can be exploited to create a completely different kind of interaction.

There are several such installations possible like a “Eid Mubarak” hug connects two people and every hug could be transformed into a generative art in a public setting. A hi-fi could be used to trigger a musical play, a throw of a ball on the right target could be used as a trigger for a triumphant display and many such possibilities where people are bought closer to each other in a physical space are possible

Yadu rajeev
Shashank Kumar
Aakanksha Gaur
Gouri Shah
Physical Computing : Chidiyan Udd

Physical Computing : Chidiyan Udd

Reviving old games
