He has 34. New brand of men's shirts.

He has 34, the branding project just completed by the team at LINII Group, will set the standard for naming, identity and retail design work in Russia in 2018. We and the customer have travelled a long road in this year-long project, creating a new brand all the way from launch strategy to opening of the first flagship store in Moscow. This is a product, which has gone from first outlines to perfect form before our eyes.

The mission of He has 34 is to create world-class men's shirts “made in Russia”. The project is powered by people who are totally and uncompromisingly dedicated to what they do. As the LINII team got to know the Customer better, we realised that nothing was impossible for professionals of this quality. Their enthusiasm was infectious and we have done everything we can to help achieve their ambitious goals
Бренд «He has 34» поставил целью реализовать особую миссию – создавать мужские сорочки мирового уровня в России. Это мега-амбициозная задача, но когда мы узнали поближе этих людей, мы поверили, что это возможно и сделали все, чтобы помочь осуществить эту идею. «He has 34» создан людьми, безгранично преданными делу и бескомпромиссно требовательными к себе. 
He has 34 shirts are made on state-of-the-art equipment by staff who have passed a rigorous selection process and the manufacturer's own quality standards are stricter than any buyer could desire. This is the attitude behind a Russian product that can compete with the top men’s garment brands in the world, many of which have centuries of history behind them.
Для создателей этого бренда, людей, одержимых качеством, не существует границ. В производстве воплощен лучший мировой опыт, использован египетский и американский хлопок, португальская ткань, итальянские лекала, немецкое оборудование. Собрано все лучшее для того, чтобы шить безукоризненные мужские сорочки здесь, в России. В этих сорочках используется минимально обработанный хлопок из двойных нитей, совмещение рисунка на стыках, классические итальянские лекала. Каждый элемент кроя продуман до мелочей. 
There are no upper limits on quality for the people at He has 34. They use Egyptian and American cotton, Portuguese cloth, Italian patterns and German equipment to achieve an optimum synthesis, with the single aim of producing top-flight men's clothing in Russia. Their shirts are made to classic Italian designs from double-yarn cotton that has undergone a minimum of artificial processing, with patterns running across the seams. Italian specialists have been hired as consultants. Each style element is thought out to the minutest detail.
Mikhail Gubergrits, Creative Director of LINII Group, said: “The ideal, classic men's shirt consists of 34 elements and a man today reaches peak fitness at the age of 34. I think that ‘He has 34’ is a naming success and the brand logo is a design success, and I am proud of both of them. They have mystery and depth, and they focus on the man who will be the wearer of these shirts.“

Производство осуществляется на новейшем оборудовании, сотрудники цехов прошли строжайший отбор, а собственные критерии качества у производителя строже, чем у любого покупателя. Только с таким отношением можно создать российский продукт, способный составить конкуренцию лучшим мировым брендам, многие из которых имеют вековую историю. 

The first flagship He has 34 store opened at the start of February at the Neglinnaya Plaza shopping mall in central Moscow .
He has 34. New brand of men's shirts.

He has 34. New brand of men's shirts.


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