The goal of this project was to create a poster that would educate the viewer on the don'ts of typography what are called Type Crimes. The goal was to make two posters, one with many restrictions such as one type face, one color, and one font size, and another poster that allowed many colors, type faces, and font sizes. Visual Hierarchy was an important focus in this assignment.
My posters are meant to be opposites. My first poster is medieval/ fantasy themed and my second poster is science fiction themed. My first poster has simple blocks of text displayed plainly and my second poster uses a diagonal grid to display a lot of text in many different ways.
Going into this project I immediately knew I did not want to simply show definitions of terms I wanted to demonstrate their applications. So I knew I needed a lot of text to demonstrate these things. So I pulled a lot of quotes from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy to add some interesting things to read on my poster. I also wanted to use a diagonal grid too make my poster stand out even more. Having this science fiction themed poster made me want the other poster to be more medieval/ fantasy themed. So I themed after the Gutenberg Bible with it's huge blocks of justified text, making it comparatively plane but way more functional as a means of displaying information, The text block on the right is an excerpt from the Knight's Tale in Canterbury Tales.
Through this assignment I for sure became much more acquainted with Indesign. I learned about how to take full advantage of grids in my layouts, diagonal or otherwise. I feel as though I learned a lot about how different typefaces can interact with each other on a page to make a hierarchy of their own. Most importantly I learned many many ways to create visual hierarchy through my own work and seeing my fellow student's works.

Type Crimes

Type Crimes
