Integrated Media Campaign-PCP

The Client is a Potchefstroom Campus based group called Potch Campus Pride. They cater for any minority group on the potch campus and features as a safe haven for any person who feels they are discriminated against. The main four issues they cater for is: Gender equality, Racial equality, Gender identity and Cultural identity.
The main issue this Movement had was a lack of awareness that causes a lack of participation. So our goal was to create a campaign that will create awareness about the movement.

Target Market
Our target market is students on the Potch Campus. Not just the students influenced by discrimination but all students, because anyone can become part of this movement.

Out of all the target market insights we got, we identified one that stood out the most and that was that people tend to only believe what they want to believe.
From that we identified the overall problem, that is People are reluctant to change their opinion and they have very strong perceptions even if it’s not based on the truth.
From that we got a specific problem and that was that people’s perceptions restrict them.

From the specific problem we came up with the concept to Change people’s perceptions from 2D to 3D.
The way we did this was by layering and showing people that there is more than meets the eye. By adding information to the perceptions a person already have, you can create a new and better perception. This benefits the target market as well, because we create a new and better way of seeing everything.

Look and Feel
We focussed on a colourful and illustrated look and feel. This is approachable and fun. We created personas and used the throughout the campaign so people have someone to identify with. The typography we used is also layered in parts and is playful as well as structural.
We also created a living logo with 5 versions, because of the diversity of the movement. The first logo is the overall logo for the movement and then we created 4 other logos for every issue they cater for.
Integrated Media Campaign-PCP