Your classic “teach a man to fish” situation.
OneTen works with over 30 clients on hundreds of projects every year. That’s a lot of demand and ultimately, that’s a lot of material going out into the world associated with the DISH brand. We needed a single source of truth where all our messaging and branding elements could live for others to access and use.
Everything and the Kitchen Sink
We created the Product Portal as a way to catalogue and share established marketing materials with the entire DISH company. We needed one single source of truth where DISH employees could find product descriptions, pictures, logos, tech specs, and more. Think of the value. Think of the opportunities!
We proactively began this project and managed all aspects of production and development. Once complete, we shared our work with the DISH Product team and, with their approval, began working in conjunction with their team to expand our library of resources.
Product Portal

Product Portal

DISH's Internal Advertising Agency, OneTen Creative, designed and developed this online product portal for use by company employees as well as pa Read More
