2.4 Battle of Logos

For my InSpace logo I liked a few of my designs so i incorporated a few of them together.  I wanted to include something other than just the words so I used a rocket as the main background.  I wanted to create a meteor like effect with the type face and found a font suitable for doing so.  Lots of breaks and cracks that got me very close to the look that I was going for.  Throughout my research i found that space is rather dark, so I chose to go with darker colors and incorporate some even darker shadows to blend with this logo.

Fields of Love

The name of this band speaks for itself.  So with that i came up with a concept that could cater to lobe itself and also love for music.  The ribbon was a standard ribbon.  I created a unique heart that i incorporated as the baseline for the whole logo.  I chose a patriotic color scheme incorporating red, white, blue and gold as a small contributor in the music note that i added to the center of the heart because it was the basis of why this logo was created.

Urban Green
This logo was a rather simple one but i think it suits the brand very well.  I didn't want the logo to be too strong and restrict the company.  I incorporated a basic typeface that i wanted to give the impression that the two words were separated by a branch and a leaf.  I wanted to keep different shades of green for this logo to go hand and hand with the name of the establishment.
2.4 Battle of Logos

2.4 Battle of Logos

