Type and image | 9.5" x 15.75" print | March 2011

In this work I wanted to visually depict an irregular heart rhythm. The type has a regular rhythm which is interrupted by abnormal treatment to signify the rhythm of a heart murmur. The downward thrust of the type and blown out color scheme is meant to leave the viewer haunted.
It is really surprising where you can find your inspiration. The photograph for this piece is actually a clementine. I was halfway through eating one when I noticed the shape and the veins that were hanging off the bottom of the fruit. Immediately I set it down on a plate and photographed it. It pays to be aware of the little details around you.


Type and image | 9.5" x 15.75" print | March 2011 In this work I wanted to visually depict an irregular heart rhythm. The type has a regular rhy Read More
