Artifact 1
This was one of my favorite projects from school. This was originally a group project that myself and two other students worked on. We had to make a side-scroller with a certain number of pick ups, power ups, and a time limit.  For this course, I started looking at the game and finding the faults in it. I then began studying the Blueprints for it to begin understanding what my classmates had done, since I hadn't worked on several parts of it and didn't know how they put it together. Once I got familiar with their work, I started working my way through fixing some things. I learned a bit about setting up animations, even though I am still having some intermittent problems with the draw bridge at the end. I also learned a lot about working with the character mesh and skeleton to change the mesh. The biggest challenge for this project was the draw bridge. It seems to work sometimes, but other times it seems to glitch and just sit there twitching instead of coming down. I couldn't seem to get this to work all the time. I didn't really have any feedback to incorporate for this. The artifact was improved by fixing the fact that the character could just walk through the draw bridge originally, and also by giving the player character a much nicer looking model.
Side Scroller

Side Scroller

Ethan Forbes


Creative Fields