This was a personal project I'd been working on when I had free time. I was sitting at my desk doing nothing one day and I started thinking about all the silly dumb things I'd done when I was younger. Even though most of these memories stemmed from dumb ideas they are some of my favorite memories, so I proceeded to draw this design in my sketchbook.

Right after I had drawn this idea out I was lucky enough to get a brand new iPad and Apple pencil from work, so of course I couldn't resist testing it out. I brought the design into Adobe Draw where I colored my sketch. Then I brought it into Adobe Illustrator to clean it up and add a little more detail. Here is the final result after.

Thank you for viewing my work!
I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed creating it.
Brightest Moments

Brightest Moments

This is a personal hand lettering project.
