Khaa PINS!'s profile

ALAIN MIKLI: 30 ans.

ALAIN MIKLI: 30 ans.
The history of the Eyewear Stylist at button size.

On the occasion of SILMO 2012, Khaa PINS® made hundreds of buttons which flew to Paris to be given at Alain Mikli's stand.
The stylist's carrier has been celebrated with a wide collection of buttons reporting the best commercial advertisings made through these three decades.

Design and manufactury:

Khaa PINS®


Liberi Pensatori Srl for Alain Mikli
Some testing has been made to reproduce some lo-fi graphics.
1" buttons reproduce the logo currently in use in its complementary versions.
Snapshots of the original artworks are held in 2¼" buttons, which tell also publication year.
Claims are printed on 1½" buttons.
ALAIN MIKLI: 30 ans.

ALAIN MIKLI: 30 ans.

The history of Alain Mikli's advertisings at button size.
