This is an older project from 2016, which remains very dear to me, but remained unfinished until recently, when I figured out that it was kinda published on my Instagram, but not on Behance. It's the 36 days of type.
For me it meant a lot of learning, because it started with some acanthus leaves drawn separately, then it rained on me that I could combine it with letters for a bigger project.
As you will see, there are big differences between the first letters and the last ones. The first ones have stiffer lines, around letter "O" a student of mine suggested some changes, so that's a big progress there. I also changes tools and added more line contrast towards the end.
I stopped at letter "S", and almost a year after, I finished the alphabet by adding that last letters, written with a cola pen.
Without further ado, here they are. 
Thank you!
36 days of type 2016

36 days of type 2016

36 days of type 2016
