Mel, Awake​​​​​​​
"Mel, Awake," 36 x 24 in, Oil on Board 2015

I waited to share this until a) the varnish dried and b) I could get a real photographer to capture it despite the incredibly high gloss. 2 years after I finished working on it!
I started exploring this pose with charcoal, but the subtle colors were too enticing to stay hidden.
These are only about 3 inches wide each, I like seeing the effect of different temperatures side by side. I use photoshop sometimes, but using the actual paints you own to explore the color combinations is the best way to find a solution that will play out on canvas.

Below are more progress shots, including the charcoal lay in, the studio set up, and the underpainting.
Thanks everybody! As always, the gram is a cool way to say hey.
Mel, Awake

Mel, Awake

A figurative painting of a woman awake at night in her bed.

