What’s New in the iOS 11 Public Beta 3 Version?
Apple’s new iOS has landed its Beta versions ever since the WWDC event took place confirming about the new Apple’s OS. Not even a couple of days have passed for iOS 11 beta 3 to roll out, fans have started speculating about the second public beta to get their hands on the hugely anticipated release. With the update there arrive massive changes with improvised technology; which also includes fans with an inclusion of the capability in order to force close apps on the iPad just by swiping up gestures.

The third beta is available for the developers which Apple offered on July 10 in the morning with an inclusion of various technologies such as bug fix, feature refinements, improvements in speed and more. Yet we cannot deny the fact of iOS 11 to be free from all bugs in the software. But developers would definitely keep in mind that iOS 11 beta 3 version is not supposed to be installed on the secondary devices.

iPad App Switcher- While you close an app in the third version, the swipe has been restored (as discussed above). Earlier you just needed to hold down the app and type the ‘x’ in order to close while using the App Switcher interface.

Screen Recording feature- In Control center, when users touch the Recording button you can get the option to begin the broadcast. Now the feature includes changes working like a standard screen recording which saves a video in Camera Roll. But in future, there are possibilities of it to integrate with the third-party apps to upload automatically.

Notification Center – Users don’t need to swipe more than once in order to view the "Earlier Today" notifications in Notification Center. You can view the notifications on the downward swipe to lock the screen. Previously users had to swipe down to read notifications or view the unread ones or even swipe up to see the previous notifications. With iOS 11 beta 3 you get a simplified Notification Centre.

Music App- While users go for playing a song in the Music app just by tapping the song name from the control center can even open the app.
Unfortunately, the third beta of iOS 11 is a limited version for the developers. So for devs, this is a chance to grab the third beta. While on the contrary, we wish to witness a third public beta for Apple’s age-old users later this week. So here’s finger crossed.

iOS 11

iOS 11
