Tempra Tantrum - Web - Homepage
Tempra Tantrum
Web Design/Development, SEO Copyediting
Underdog Wine Merchants was keenly aware that to best position themselves for the national rollout of Tempra Tantrum wines, they needed a website that was better designed and executed to help support this line-up of progressive spanish red wines.

Recognizing Elative's strengths in web usability and search engine optimization, Brand Manager Reinel Adajar saw the perfect fit that would allow Tempra Tantrum's website to improve and expand, all while staying faithful to the distinct brand image and focused on their target market segments with the right keyword messaging.

Elative integrated founder Rocio Osborne's "Life of a Spanish Vintner" wine blog into the website to create a single, unified web property for Tempra Tantrum's marketing efforts. The design and usability was improved with a strong grid layout, more consistent navigation scheme, and a robust footer allowing tighter linking throughout key pages of the website.

The entire website was also recoded to use the latest in web standards for full CSS layouts, compatibility across more modern devices, and efficient focus of web content and copy to better target desirable keywords. The new and improved website results in a website that is not only optimized for a targeted SEO strategy, which includes ranking on the first page of results for half a dozen targeted keywords, but also a strong design that receives praises for its usability even from reviews of the Tempra Tantrum wines.
Tempra Tantrum - Web - About Tempra Tantrum
"I worked with Elative on a big web development/SEO project and their work definitely exceeded my expectations. They are a talented group that stays on top of the latest web technologies and trends. We've already gone back to them for a second project and have 2 potential projects on deck. I would highly recommend them to anyone looking for an agency that communicates well with their client, does top notch work, and stays on top of the latest online marketing trends."
Reinel Adajar, The Wine Group
Tempra Tantrum - Web - About - Rocio Osborne
Tempra Tantrum - Web - About - Osborne Family Estate
Tempra Tantrum - Web - About - Winemaking
Tempra Tantrum - Web - The Wines
Tempra Tantrum - Web - The Wines - Wine Product Page
Tempra Tantrum - Web - Blog
Tempra Tantrum - Web - Blog - Comments
Tempra Tantrum - Web - Contact
Tempra Tantrum - Web - Trade
Tempra Tantrum - Web - Site Map
Tempra Tantrum

Tempra Tantrum

Underdog Wine Merchants was keenly aware that to best position themselves for the national rollout of Tempra Tantrum wines, they needed a website Read More
