20 Day Stranger - Branding + Marketing

20 Day Stranger

Concept. Creative Direction. Layout. Design.

Playful Systems at the MIT Media Lab

20 Day Stranger is a mobile app that creates an intimate and anonymous connection between you and another person. This is a project from Playful Systems at the MIT Media Lab in collaboration with the Dalai Lama Center for Transformative Ethics and Values at MIT.

For 20 days, you get continuous updates about where they are, what they are doing, and eventually even how they are feeling, and them likewise about you. But each party never knows who this person is. You are anonymous to your stranger and they are anonymous to you. See life from a totally different perspective,honestly and openly.

App was developed by Playful Systems to facilitate the experience of spending 20 days with a window into the life of a complete stranger as a possible vehicle to allow users to see others with more depth and understanding than they had prior to their experience with the app. 

More information about 20 Day Stranger here: and here:

To create a brand image and marketing campaign that intrigued the audience (18-45 year old, tech savvy individuals with secondary education, married) to engage with the app and share their experiences with others on social media. 

Key marketing message: we cannot assume to know someone’s story based on what we can surmise from them on the surface. We need to be open to experiencing people with a more empathetic and inclusive lens. This app will help you get there.

Brand Identity - created for 20 Day Stranger
Print Ad Mockup
Guerilla Marketing - Bus Shelter Ad and Mockup
Rotating Web Banner Ad and Mockup
Stationery and Packaging
20 Day Stranger - Branding + Marketing

20 Day Stranger - Branding + Marketing

20-Day Stranger - Branding + Marketing
