There is a need for design directors to ensure that they are in management teams.  this is one of the main reasons why I and educating myself to become better in the area of media design. I might not be the best person to make the graphic designs. I consider myself to be a person with an open mind able to ensure that a person that works for me can develop their oversight on a specific design logo or illustration they are developing.

 When you start comparing this analysis to Margo chases relationship with Starbucks in the internal design Department we can analyze that what they were asking her was to create a style that would help the essence of the Starbuck brand. My opinion is that Margo had a pretty good taste for coffee. With that in mind she helped develop and make the brand better. She also works as an inspiration and can bring a better illustration and bring her mental abilities to interpret what a person is willing to see in a logo as far as coffee inspirational themes.

Three takeaways that are important for me to designer would be. Commitment, commitment to the person or client that you are working for will and able and make that person dependable on your decisive analysis on a specific logo. Another takeaway would be learned to listen. Always try to please the client 100%. As a design expert you should be able to create a better picture for the client in reference to what they gave you for informations ahead. and last but not least loyalty. If you have ideas that are created by a client ensure that you remain loyal to that clients. There can be other people thinking possibly the same thing as a client that you have yet if you continue with your loyalty to your client they will appreciate you and bring you more business in the future.



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