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Dr. Henry on Changing Life Poster

Illustrating the following quote: "Never Say: That's not my job. Never Say: I wish I had..." - Dr. Dale Henry
My friend attended a business conference where Dr. Dale Henry gave an inspirational talk. This quote was the central message of his speech. She asked me to make a poster for her office so that she could remember these very special and significant words to her.

My concept for the design was directly influenced by the speech itself and my own experience on a time when my perspective changed and I did something different in my life.

Adding a "third dimension" or an extra element to life is what makes life worth living. My takeaway was that one can make a difference on earth and start to see the whole picture in such a more real and authentic way, much like 3D glasses make the final picture from different cameras and filming angles. The 3D glasses idea came from the science behind how 3D movies are filmed. The movie itself has to be filmed differently. Life can only start to change after one's personal actions themselves change.

Below is a video for those who wish to see the talk, I know it influenced my thinking quite a bit. 
Dr. Henry on Changing Life Poster

Dr. Henry on Changing Life Poster
