Adult Shenanigans is line of encouragement greeting cards and items featuring hand-lettered letterpress designs with neon ink and added bling.
The cards are 2 color letterpress printed on a Chandler and Price Pilot press using polymer plates.
Featured items include coffee mugs, canvas prints, wine gift bags, bottle tags, wrapping paper, tissue paper and cell phone cases emblazoned with encouraging words to remind the user of something positive and humorous.
Shop for these products here
Full line of Adult Shenanigans cards and supplemental items on display at the Landis Press in Kutztown, PA.
Exterior: Screw Pants & Responsibilities
Interior: Let's Drink!
Exterior: Coffee & Booze 
Interior: Because Adulting is Hard. Let's Drink!
Exterior: Success is Getting the Laundry in the Dryer
Interior: Before the Mildew Sets In. You're Doing Great! Let's Drink!
Exterior: Being an Adult is Easy
Interior: Just Google How to Do Stuff. Let's Drink!
Adult Shenanigans

Adult Shenanigans

Adult Shenanigans is line of encouragement greeting cards and items featuring hand-lettered letterpress designs with neon ink and added bling.
