Antonia Glenton's profile

Brand logo, label & sales presenter for travel spray

Creating a product launch to resonate with consumers...

The Brief - Skin2P is an insect repellent brand originating in Europe with a strong focus on the travel and utility markets in its’ native France. Our UK-based distributor client was looking to establish Skin2P as a consumer-focused brand, equipped to stand out in a crowded retail environment (on-line and high street), for launch in the UK and Latin America.

The Project -
- Designing a distinctive brand mark that would resonate within the category and clearly communicate the product benefits to consumers.
- Developing a collection of brand assets for use across marketing communications, including icons, design elements and photography
- Packaging development from initial concept, design and artwork for print, ensuring all product benefits were well communicated and technical information was easy to follow
- Sales support materials (format, copy, creative)

Deliverables -
- Brand mark development
- Product Packaging (for English speaking and Latin American markets)
- Digital sales presenter (English and Spanish)
Early stage Skin2P brand logo concepts
Product packaging design concepts showing how different logos, icons and design elements could work together on the product label.
Final Skin2P brand logo
Final Skin2P packaging design for English and Spanish speaking territories
Icons developed for use on the packaging and other marketing collateral
Digital sales presenter for the Skin2P team to share with potential distributors and retail buyers
Brand logo, label & sales presenter for travel spray

Brand logo, label & sales presenter for travel spray

Brand logo, packaging and digital presentation for travel spray insect repellent
