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Phipps Conservatory Logo Redesign

Recently I visited Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens in Schenley Park. While I was there I noticed that they have a collection of colorful flowers throughout. So I wonder why they didn't use any vibrant color in their logo to portray the variety of flowers. So I looked at the original logo and decided to redesign it. I Took the glass dome and extended the bottom. Then created a lotus flower which was placed in the middle to separate the top of the done and where the text would go. I colored the dome in a fern green color to represent the trees and ferns showcased. Them the lotus flower in a pink to add a pop of color to represent the variety of flowers.
Phipps Conservatory Logo Redesign

Phipps Conservatory Logo Redesign

Logo redesign of Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
