Jane Zhang's profile

What It's Like Working in a Startup

I currently work at a startup that is not related to design. Without a solid and long-standing portfolio, I practice every week in my free time so I can work in this field within the next five years. Feeling stuck on how I could build my portfolio, I got advice from a mentor to craft my LinkedIn profile that helps me connect my current work to where I want to be in the future. I decided to create a piece that I could use as a media attachment on LinkedIn to talk about my work experience and also show my capabilities in design.
I recorded my experience during work over several days and also looked through my notebooks to mine for information to use for the copy. I organized them with sticky notes to help determine the overall themes and insights. Of course, a lot of these ideas did not make the final visual.
I had a series of ideas but no way of really organizing them. I narrowed it all down to about 6-7 general insights that I could use as subheadings. I later thought why not categorize them with the word STARTUP? Where I have a subheading for each letter.
I started drawing patterns and shapes on the letters to make it stand out. I viewed many examples of textile patterns for inspiration on Pinterest and Behance.
Overall, this process took me through many iterations and it was something that I have never tried before.

Thanks for reading!
What It's Like Working in a Startup

What It's Like Working in a Startup

A visual on what it's like to work in a startup, it is mostly copy-based and plays around with words.
